Check out this page to see what issues we’re focussing on this season,and how you can play your part in fulfilling God’s plan to restore His creation through justice & compassion.

His kingdom on earth, Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans.Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17

Vineyard founder, John Wimber, regularly highlighted Jesus’ mission on earth was to release the oppressed.’ When we read the Bible, we clearly see that compassion and justice go hand in hand; we are moved by compassion to act justly. Acting justly will always cause us to address the root causes of poverty and oppression, as well as the fruit. Acting justly is a challenge to all of us, as it involves us each making sacrifices in the way we live our lives in order to ‘make right’ the lives of others. The Bible confronts us with the reality that if we say we love God and His justice without being moved to change our lifestyles to improve the welfare of others, we are deceiving ourselves. We must not become stagnant or complacent, but rather open ourselves up to be activated and engaged through God’s calling to address issues of injustice and live out His Kingdom here on earth.

C&J DIary




Want to know how you can play your part in fulfilling God’s plan to restore His creation through justice & compassion? Then this is a good place to start! Join us throughout the year and we delve deeper into some of the issues.

Learn to do right; Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17

Vineyard founder, John Wimber, regularly highlighted Jesus’ mission on earth was to release the oppressed.’ When we read the Bible, we clearly see that compassion and justice go hand in hand; we are moved by compassion to act justly. Acting justly will always cause us to address the root causes of poverty and oppression, as well as the fruit. Acting justly is a challenge to all of us, as it involves us each making sacrifices in the way we live our lives in order to ‘make right’ the lives of others.

The Bible confronts us with the reality that if we say we love God and His justice without being moved to change our lifestyles to improve the welfare of others, we are deceiving ourselves. We must not become stagnant or complacent, but rather open ourselves up to be activated and engaged through God’s calling to address issues of injustice and live out His Kingdom here on earth. 

Click on the button below to read Tearfund's contribution for the month of July.

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Prayer Points for July

verso care

VERSO care

verso care

Verso Care.

Our hope and prayer is to see an integrated community of transformed individuals, living free from poverty, injustice, and their effects.

Verso Care exists to equip people with the tools and support they need to move towards living a more independent life, empowering them to fulfil their God given potential. Our focus is to fill the gaps in existing service provision and support, rather than duplicate what already exists.

Find out more

crisis fund

crIsis fund


Responding to Crisis events around the world.

The Bible repeatedly shows us that God calls His people to care for His creation, feed the hungry, stand up for those who are vulnerable, and to love refugees. The crisis fund helps us respond to crisis events worldwide by working with our networks to get resources to where they need it on the ground.

Contact our Compassion, Justice and Missions Pastor Clare Mulrooney, to find out more.

Contact Clare

family fund

family fund

family fund

God has shown us his incredible love. Family Fund is just one of the ways we can share and express that love with one another.

We are a community that places a high value on being authentic. That means loving one another, walking through hard times together, and following the example of the early church in practically supporting one another as needed.

The Verso Family Fund is one of the ways we want to support those in our church community who are experiencing difficulties.

Any member of Verso can apply for support from the fund for themselves.

Find out more




Each generation faces unique challenges.

We want to support today's young people to grow and flourish, equip them to overcome the challenges they'll face, recognise the opportunities available to them, and fulfil their God-given potential.

That's one reason we partner with the local Christian charity STEP.  STEP has been working closely with a number of secondary schools in St Albans and Harpenden for a number of years now. This unique charity aims to share, through words and actions, the Christian hope in Jesus in a lively, relevant and consistent way.

As well as offering school lessons and assemblies, running social action projects, delivering courses and mentoring schemes for young people, STEP are passionate about providing opportunities for churches and local Christians to connect with their local secondary school and make a positive difference to the lives of the young people and staff.




The Bible calls us to stand up for the exploited.

Which is one of the reasons we support Azalea, a Hertfordshire-based charity that wants to see an end to the social injustice of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Their holistic approach recognises and provides for the complex lives of the men and women who are caught up in sexual exploitation. Their unique position means they are heavily involved in both providing care and compassion for those caught in sexual exploitation, and campaigning for a more just and fairer world that safeguards those involved in selling sex and prevents vulnerable people from being exploitated.