Located on the outskirts of Bovingdon, our team work closely with the prison Chaplaincy at
HMP The Mount, as we lead a Verso style service where we preach and equip the men to
participate in the service with prayer ministry, worship, Bible readings and welcome led by
the men themselves.
As with our other sites, The Mount is more than just a Sunday occurrence, with Alpha and
other courses being run throughout the week including equipping the men to minister and
serve one another.
Our Mount Site also has a very strong pastoral component as our team works with the
broader chaplaincy, providing pastoral support and prayer to some of the prison's most
vulnerable men.
While we work with many ex-offenders through our Compassion Ministry, The Mount
represents a very exciting opportunity to extend our reach to reach the lost.
We want to partner with God to see the release from darkness for the men at The Mount. To
see them transformed by Jesus, empowered by His Spirit, to be all that God has called them
to be.