Rasing a Concern.

Rasing a Concern.

Rasing a Concern.

Raising a Concern or Complaint?

As followers of Jesus, we understand from the Bible and through our own experience of God, that we are created to be in relationship with one another, and that each of us has a unique contribution to make to the community around us. We also understand that none of us are complete or perfect, but we all have limitations and flaws that cause us to make mistakes.

As a church, we seek every opportunity to follow Scriptural principles of forgiving offences and reconciling our differences. Matthew 18:15-17 We are conscious of the biblical writers' plea to love one another, to bear with one another, to forgive each other's offences, and to maintain the bond of unity and peace that was bought through Jesus' blood. Ephesians 4:12

At the same time, we also recognise that there are going to be occasions where attempts to resolve an issue informally may fail, or are simply not appropriate given the offence. To address those instances, we've established a formal complaints process. We appreciate that making a complaint can take courage, yet is an important step to take as it enables the church leadership to not only deal with a specific problem, but to also put measures in place to avoid it happening again

Making a Complaint.

If you'd like to make an official complaint, get in contact via email. Your submission will be sent directly to Gil Yon, Vineyard's Business & Operation Manager. In Gil Yon's absence, this will go to Julie Mathias, Vineyard's Business Assistant. If your complaint is about a Senior Team member (Gil Yon, Senior Pastor Mark Helvadjian or a Vineyard Trustee) then please email the Trustee Chairman, Tim Winfield, who will send you a form to be returned to him directly. If neither of these approaches is appropriate, you can contact the VCUKI Area Leaders, Guy and Esther Pritchard (Farnham Vineyard). All concerns or complaints will be taken seriously and will be responded to in line with our formal process.

Please make sure you've read our privacy policy before you submit the form.

If you would like to discuss the matter in confidence with a member of the pastoral team before submitting a formal complaint, please email the Pastoral Team who'll be happy to get in touch with you and talk it through. pastoral@verso.church.

Make a Complaint


If you are unsure whether your concern or complaint falls into the safeguarding category, please continue to complete the Complaints form above and we will follow up as appropriate.

Alternatively, you can email Gil Yon, our Business & Operation Manager, to discuss further.

You can read more about our Safeguarding policy and how to raise a safeguarding concern below here,

Safeguarding Policy